Research Lifecycle


flowchart LR subgraph Research Lifecycle direction LR Share:::nohighlight --> Discover Discover:::nohighlight --> Plan Plan:::nohighlight --> Acquire Acquire:::nohighlight --> Process Process:::nohighlight --> Analyze Analyze:::nohighlight --> Preserve Preserve:::nohighlight --> Share end classDef nohighlight fill:#fff,stroke:#333

Rough sketch of research lifecycle based on below references.

This page provides notes surrounding the "Research Lifecycle" as a heuristic model for working through research projects.

The Research Lifecycle is a heuristic model for understanding the steps of the process of scientific discovery (research), often represented in a wheel to emphasize the continuous nature of research with one project leading into the next. (

Intepretations of the Research Lifecycle vary in their steps. Below are some references from various groups and institutions.


  • Kaizen, continuous improvement -
    • While different in focus, kaizen procedures have many similarities which may be beneficial to consider in context with the research lifecycle, such as PDCA loops, etc.
