Software Engineering Team CU Dept. of Biomedical Informatics

Tip of the Week: Software Linting with R

Tip of the Week: Software Linting with R

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This article covers using the software technique of linting on R code in order to improve code quality, development velocity, and collaboration.

TLDR (too long, didn’t read); Use software linting (static analysis) practices on your R code with existing packages lintr and styler (among others). These linters may be applied using pre-commit in your local development environment or as continuous tests using for example Github Actions.

Treating R as Software

“Many users think of R as a statistics system. We prefer to think of it as an environment within which statistical techniques are implemented.”

(R-Project: What is R?)

The R programming language is sometimes treated as only a statistics system instead of software. This treatment can sometimes lead to common issues in development which are experienced in other languages. Addressing R as software enables developers to enhance their work by taking benefit from existing concepts applied to many other languages.

Linting with R

flowchart LR
  write\[Write R code] --> |check| check\[Check code with linters]
  check --> |revise| write

Workflow loop depicting writing R code and revising with linters.

Software linting, or static analysis, is one way to ensure a minimum level of code quality without writing new tests. Linting checks how your code is structured without running it to make sure it abides by common language paradigms and logical structures. Using linting tools allows a developer to gain quick insights about their code before it is viewed or used by others.

One way to lint your R code is by using the lintr package. The lintr package is also complementary of the styler pacakge, which formats the syntax of R code in a consistent way. Both of these can be used independently or as part of continuous quality checks for R code repositories.

Automated Linting Checks with R

flowchart LR
  subgraph development
  subgraph linters
    direction LR
  check <-.- linters
  write\[Write R code] --> |check| check\[Check code with pre-commit]
  check --> |revise| write

Workflow showing development with pre-commit using multiple linters.

lintr and styler can be incorporated into automated checks to help make sure linting (or other steps) are always used with new code. One tool which can help with this is pre-commit, which acts as both a local development tool in addition to providing observability within source control (more on this later).

Using pre-commit locally enables quick feedback loops using one or many checkers (such as lintr, styler, or others). Pre-commit may be used through the use of git hooks or manually using pre-commit run ... from a command-line. See this example of pre-commit checks with R for an example of multiple pre-commit checks for R code.

Continuous and Observable Testing for R

flowchart LR
  subgraph development [local development]
    direction LR
  subgraph remote[Github repository]
    direction LR
    action["Check code (remotely)"]
  write\[Write R code] --> |check| check\[Check code with pre-commit]
  check --> |revise| write
  check --> commit[commit + push]
  commit --> |optional trigger| action
  check -.-> |perform same checks| action

Workflow showing pre-commit used as continuous testing tool with Github.

Pre-commit linting checks can also be incorporated into continuous testing performed on your repository. One way to do this is using Github Actions. Github Actions provides a programmatic way to specify automatic steps taken as changes occur to a repository.

Pre-commit provides an example Github Action which will automatically check and alert repository maintainers when code challenges are detected. Using pre-commit in this way allows R developers to ensure lintr checks are performed on any new work checked into a repository. This can have benefits towards decreasing pull request (PR) review time and standardize how code collaboration takes place for R developers.


Please see the following the resources on this topic.

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