Tableau and Power BI Comparison

Comparisons between Salesforce Tableau and Microsoft Power BI as data visualization tools.

Key Questions

There are several key questions to consider when making decisions around data visualization tools. Keep these in mind with the following comparisons and references.

  • How are existing skillsets in alignment with the selected tools?
  • What skillsets are desired in future workforce resources?
  • What internal communities are already making use of the selected tools?
  • How do data sources align with visualization tool support? (Layers between data sources and tools may add otherwise hidden complexity and time costs.)

Feature Comparisons

FeaturePower BITableau
Vendor Supportrefref
CU System Supportref
Windows Compatibility (Desktop)refref
MacOS Compatibility (Desktop)refref


The following are public-facing pricing details. Enterprise-based pricing may differ.

Data Sources

Data sources which may be connected to the tools.

Visualization Type Support

Visualization types which are supported by the tools.

Programming Languages

Data visualization tools often include their own programming languages which help to specify detailed work which may be necessary beyond drag-and-drop defaults.

Further Reading

Other Alternatives